This year, the maincubes team decided to support the “Kinderzukunft” (Children’s future) foundation instead of giving gifts to customers and partners. The foundation has been collecting Christmas gifts for children in need throughout Germany since 1995. Last year, about 300,000 parcels were collected.
The parcels are brought to Romania, Ukraine and Bosnia and Herzegovina just in time for Christmas. The gifts go to orphans, street children and children of poor families in houses, schools, kindergartens, hospitals and slums. Thanks to the help of all colleagues, the maincubes team was able to collect about 50 parcels for children between 0 and 18 years of age. It was not only a pleasure to do something good, but also a success for the team spirit. On a Friday afternoon, all the colleagues involved gathered in the meeting room of the head office in Frankfurt and started filling the empty boxes. From toys to clothes and sweets, everything was there. Afterwards, the boxes were strung and labelled into beautiful gift boxes. So that the team could work with full power, the pizza was of course not missing.More Info: