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environmental statement 2023

environmental statement 2024

environmental statement 2024

Quality Policy

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Data center key facts

Cover FRA01 Keyfacts

maincubes data center key facts FRA01

Cover FRA02 Keyfacts

maincubes data center key facts FRA02

Cover FRA03 Keyfacts

maincubes data center key facts FRA03

Cover AMS01 Keyfacts

maincubes data center key facts AMS01

Cover BER01 Keyfacts

maincubes data center key facts BER01


DIN ISO27001 Certificate maincubes

maincubes has ISO/IEC 27001 certification. The information security management system (ISMS) is fully compliant.

EN50600 Certification maincubes

TÜV Saarland has confirmed full compliance with IT and physical security requirements. The maincubes data center in Frankfurt is TÜV availability class 3 and DIN EN 50600-certified.

DIN ISO9001 Certificate maincubes

maincubes has ISO 9001 certification. The quality management system (QMS) is fully compliant.


maincubes is certified according to ISO 14001. At the Frankfurt location and the extended scope as per the certificate annex, it has been demonstrated that an environmental management system has been implemented and is successfully applied in accordance with the norm.

maincubes certified ISO50001

maincubes is certified according to ISO 50001. At the Frankfurt location and the further scope according to the certificate appendix, it has been demonstrated that an energy management system according to the standard has been implemented and is being successfully applied.

EMAS maincubes DE-125-00069

maincubes FRA01 and the headquarter have been successfully registered under the EMAS registration DE-125-00069. This entry confirms that both locations meet the stringent environmental management and auditing standards of the European Union, aimed at reducing environmental impact and ensuring continuous improvement in environmental performance.

Certification IT Security

maincubes has received the TeleTrust sign and thus fulfills the offer of trustworthy IT security solutions. The IT security research and development takes place in Germany.

ISAE3402 / SOC1 Certification maincubes

maincubes’ locations in Frankfurt and Amsterdam have both been ISAE 3402 Type 2 certified.

maincubes zertifiziert nach SOC2 Typ2

maincubes has successfully achieved the SOC2 Type 2 attestation. A total of 36 SOC 2 controls in the information control system achieved the best-possible result in the certification audit.

maincubes 100 % Ökostrom

The headquarter of maincubes has opted for green electricity from ENTEGA Plus, ensuring that we receive 100 % of our power from renewable energy sources.

maincubes 100 % green electricity

By using 100 % green electricity, maincubes makes a valuable contribution to climate protection.

maincubes 100 % Green Energy

By using 100 % green electricity, maincubes makes a valuable contribution to climate protection.

OekoPLUS-maincubes climateneutral company

By supporting global sustainable hydropower projects, maincubes is on the continuous way to get certified for CO2 neutrality.

maincubes FRA01 is DE-CIX Enabled Site. The certification confirms all technical requirements in accordance with the regulations for a DE-CIX datacenter.

customer use cases


RTB House and Circle B


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case study


case study

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Headquarter Frankfurt/Germany

Location Schiphol-Rijk/The Netherlands

Headquarter Frankfurt/Germany

Location Schiphol-Rijk/The Netherlands